“Hip Hopera” takes classic arias from well-known operatic repertoire and sets them to Hip Hop grooves. Featuring both sung and rapped vocals, the story follows a budding relationship between two inner city high school seniors bound for college.
In the Spring of 2022, Safe Harbors of the Hudson launched a new community Arts Program entitled “MIX-XED”. Defined as a “Contemporary Mashup of Art & Culture”,
MIX-XED is a collaboration of professional musicians and students in the Hudson Valley. For its inaugural musical theater performance, Newburgh-based artists Elex Vann, Ralph M’Vore, and Neil Alexander, guided the students in creating a contemporary performance piece combining Classical and Hip Hop musical genres.
“Hip Hopera”, is a 3-act, musical performance that premiered in August 2022 on the stage of the Safe Harbors’ Green in the City of Newburgh to sold-out crowds! The event featured live music performed by an amazing cast of high school and middle school children from the community.
“Hip Hopera” takes classic arias from well-known operatic repertoire and sets them to Hip Hop grooves. Featuring both sung and rapped vocals, the story follows a budding relationship between two inner city high school seniors bound for college. The production was co-written by Elex, Ralph and Neil, with musical arrangements by all.
Directed and choreographed by Ralph M’Vore, under the vocal direction of Elex Vann and featuring live music with stellar local musicians under the direction of Neil Alexander, “Hip Hopera” is an energetic musical experience that will enthrall and excite the ears and the heart.